30 Simple Things Worthy of Gratitude

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Gratitude has been a huge help in my growth journey. I believe that by focusing on the things you are grateful for you will have a more positive outlook on life, and also manifest more to be grateful for. It is a proven fact that when you have more positive thoughts the easier positive thoughts are to naturally happen.

I can attest to this because I used to have the most negative outlook on life. I would always think of the worst case scenario, assume the worst and had a horrible opinion of myself. When I purposely steered myself into a different thought path the easier and easier it got. Then one day I noticed that it didn’t take work for me to think positively, it simply happened.


Gratitude is Simple.

You don’t need to be a millionaire to be thankful for the things in your life. If you are reading this article then you already have one thing to be grateful for right there.

I say three things I am grateful for every single day as part of my morning routine in the morning. I feel like it starts my day off right, and this way I know I’m making an effort everyday to rewire my brain for the better. See it as keeping up with a workout, or tune up on your car. It keeps things running smoothly.

I also try to correct negative thoughts with my gratitude. Like when I’m stuck in traffic I think about how it’s nice to be able to sit and listen to my music. Or, that I have working AC during the Texas heat. You start to realize just how abundant you really are.

It Doesn’t Start Simple

When you are first starting to change your way of thinking however, it’s not automatic. Sometimes it’s helpful to have a little guidance as a reminder. I love reading motivational inspiring quotes and the like to help guide me. Hopefully this list will help guide you.

Some items on this list may be things that you don’t experience. For instance, I’m very grateful to be able to get around by walking everyday but some cannot. Keep that in mind when you come across the points that do resonate. Sometimes we forget what we have and we take it for granted. That’s why it’s important to recognize something when you have it and be grateful for it.


30 Things I am Grateful For

1. The taste of coffee in the morning.

2. Feeling sunlight on your skin.

3. Cold water when you’re really thirsty.

4. Enjoying a new TV Show.

5. Smelling fresh baked cookies.

6. Being able to read.

7. Getting your back to pop just right when you’re stiff.

8. Long carries to nowhere with no traffic.

9. Hearing your favorite artist playing when you’re out shopping.

10. Having more money than expected left on a gift card.

11. Days where you can lay around doing nothing.

12. Hearing the ocean roaring next to you while you’re laying in warm sand.

13. Flowers that have intense aroma that fill your nose when you walk by.

14. Window shopping.

15. When your dog runs up to you, wagging their tail like crazy when you’ve been gone all day.

16. Enjoying your favorite meal.

17. Smelling BBQ when you drive by a restaurant on a warm day.

18. First snowfall of Winter.

19. Having a faucet that runs clean, drinkable water.

20. Making a new friend.

21. Having a supportive parent.

22. Someone taking care of you when you’re sick.

23. Finding a good parking spot.

24. The feeling bedsheets on fresh shaved legs.

25. Getting a compliment from a stranger.

26. Internet access.

27. A roof over my head.

28. Access to safe food and water.

29. A comfortable bed to sleep in a night.

30. Laughing so hard you can feel it in your belly.

What are some of the simple things in your life that you’re grateful for? Comment below, I’d love to hear!

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Make sure to check out the 30 Days of Gratitude Challenge Printable I made to start adding more gratitude in your life and give yourself a more positive mindset!

My name is Terran, and I love writing about how to improve one’s life through self-care, following your passions and surrounding yourself with the things you love. Subscribe to my email list to receive updates when I post and follow me along on the journey to a fulfilled, happy life.

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