21 Wonderful Winter Things You Must Try

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As the days get colder it’s good to have activities to enjoy the season and keep your spirits high. I’ve put together 21 things to do this winter that will be sure to do just that.

This post contains links to products that I have researched or used that I think you would enjoy based on the article you are reading. I used to be an Amazon Affiliate to receive a commission. I am no longer apart of the program but I still wanted to share these products because I truly believe in them and think they will come in handy! Using my links to purchase is no extra cost to you!

  • Go ice skating. – My balance SUCKS, but I still love to go ice skating. Escaping into a beautiful cool, white world is perfect for winter. Get together some friends and laugh as you fall over each other, ending the night with some warm comfort food like pizza!
winter ice skating
  • Have a holiday movie night. – My favorite thing to do on a cold winter day in snuggle under blankets and snacking the day away with some classic winter wonderland flicks. I’ve put together a list of my go-to’s that you can check out here.
  • Bake cookies. – I’ve never been a gingerbread kind of person, so I usually go with snickerdoodles during the winter because the cinnamon makes me feel Christmassy. Sometimes I’ll even add some nutmeg for a lil extra magic.
  • Make paper snowflakes. – I’ve been doing this one since I was a kid. It’s a cheap and beautiful way to enchant your house in the winter. Especially in places where it’s unlikely that you’ll get an actual snow day.
  • Drive around a see the Christmas lights. – I love to look up the neighborhoods that are notorious for going all out and driving through. The twinkling lights make the night so magical. 
  • Have a Bonfire. – Roast your favorite fireside treats. My favorites include marshmallows, apples, and hotdogs.
  • Drink Hot Cocoa. – I’m currently on the lookout for some hot cocoa balls. A hard shell sphere of chocolate filled with hot cocoa powder that opens when hot milk is poured on top.
  • Have a puzzle night. – preferably one with a seasonal winter landscape. This year my mom got a puzzle advent calendar from amazon. Each day of December you get pieces to work on leaving you with the completed picture on Christmas.

BUY HERE: Christmas Puzzle Advent Calendar

  • Go to the museum. – Perfect indoor activity for when you want to go out and do something but it’s crummy outside. Plus a lot of museums usually have free events so make sure you look into that to save some money!
  • Try a new crockpot recipe. – I love crockpot recipes. They’re so easy yet so delicious. My favorite is making beef and vegetable stew. Perfect warm-up for a cold winter’s night. Make your recipe even better by using seasonal winter produce. I’ve made an easy list that you can find here.
  • Read a new book. – Cold, cozy nights are perfect for snuggling up with a good book. I used to love reading when I was younger and it’s something I’ve been trying to get back into. It’s the perfect way to settle your mind before bed. 
  • Build a Fort. – Winter is the season of childhood wonder. Bring back some of yours by building a fort. Something about being surrounded by soft blankets and plush pillows and stuffies makes me feel so safe.
  • Decorate the Tree. – Make it a whole event! Make festive snacks, put on a Christmas playlist, and gather your favorite people. I love looking at all the ordainments I’ve collected over the years and reminiscing on the good times. All while creating new ones!
  • Go bowling. – Don’t let the cold weather keep you at home! Bowling is a super fun way to gather your friends and enjoy some time outside of the house without having to bear the chill.
  • Make a Holiday Charcuterie Board. – Perfect snack to make for tree decorating, a holiday party, or movie night! Fill with your favorite holiday snacks plus classic Charcuterie picks.
  • Donate to a Food Bank. – In a season full of giving and gratitude it’s always a good idea to give to those in need. No one deserves to go hungry, especially during the holidays. Check with your local food bank to see what you can do to help.
  • Make a New Years Resolution. – With the year coming to a close and a new one beginning, it’s the perfect time to take inventory of your life. Look back on the year and celebrate your accomplishments and look forward to what you would like to see in the new year.
  • Color a Holiday Coloring Book. – One of my favorite things to do as a kid was coloring Christmas coloring book. Since I believe that winter is a season to get in touch with your inner child, this is the perfect lowkey winter activity that will be sure to bring so much joy. 
  • Donate Toys. – Partner with a local charity and donate or buy gifts for a child in need. Be the Santa that you had when you were a kid and keep the magic alive for kids that otherwise wouldn’t be getting anything.
  • Listen to a Holiday Playlist. – Put together all of your favorite holiday/winter songs onto a playlist and play it when you’re driving around looking at lights or decorating your tree. Need some inspiration? Check out my holiday playlist here!


  • Get Coffee with a friend. – Coffee dates are always better in colder weather in my opinion. Meet up with a friend for a lowkey, affordable date over a gingerbread latte and some sort of seasonal holiday treat.

What are your favorite things to do in Winter? Leave a comment down below and let me know! I hope that this list inspires you, just like it inspired me to make it.

My name is Terran, and I love writing about how to improve one’s life through self-care, following your passions and surrounding yourself with the things you love. Subscribe to my email list to receive updates when I post and follow me along on the journey to a fulfilled, happy life.

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My name is Terran, and I love writing about how to improve one’s life through self-care, following your passions and surrounding yourself with the things you love. Subscribe to my email list to receive updates when I post and follow me along on the journey to a fulfilled, happy life.

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