24 Guaranteed Glow Up Tips for a Great 2024

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It’s that wonderful time of reflection as the new year comes upon us. And with a new year, many want to glow up to a new “you”. I’ve been slowly implementing self care into my routine in 2023 and I have a pretty clear vision of what I would like to continue doing to make the ultimate “me”.

I believe that a glow up are not only external but internal as well. Taking care of your mind and your body will give you a glow from the inside out. This year I’m going to be focusing on me as a whole and taking care of myself the way I deserve.

If you’re new to my blog, hi! I’m Terran. I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety for a lot of my life which has gotten in the way of me properly taking care of myself. I hit rock bottom in 2020/2021 and since then I’ve been figuring out how to better myself to be happy for the long run. If you’d like to keep up with my journey and hopefully get inspired by it as well, I’d love if you joined my newsletter. You can also follow me on instagram @peachypapillon to be updated on when I post.

My 24 Glow Up Inspirations for 2024!

1. Start oil pulling your teeth.

If you’re active on TikTok I’m sure you’ve seen the trend. But trust me, it actually works!! I’ve been oil pulling for a few months now and not only have my teeth been viably whiter (I’ve gotten comments about it!), but I also went to the dentist for a cleaning, and for the first time ever I didn’t have to have plaque scraped from my teeth! You don’t need anything fancy either. I started with olive oil and then switched to coconut because I prefer the taste. You can also check out the viral GuruNanda which has different options such as this one that has added peppermint essential oils for a more pleasant taste.

2. Start doing a gua sha routine.

Gua Sha not only helps shape your face, but it helps drain unwanted fluid, literally making you more clear headed. You don’t need to do it every day either! I do mine once a week on Sundays.

3. Walk more.

Walking is so good for you in so many ways but glow up wise it can help you tone up your body and lose weight! My goal this year is 9,000 steps a day. I notice my usual walks are around 3,000 steps so if I do that 3 times a day I can easily hit that. They aren’t long walks either! I normally do them after my meals, which helps aid in digestion.

4. Read more.

Especially nonfiction! Reading in general helps keep your brain sharp, but you might as well learn something new while you are at it! It has been a goal of mine to read more for awhile because it was a hobby I had when I was younger that brought me a lot of joy and I miss that. It’s hard finding new interests once you’ve outgrown the Young Adult section. I have a bunch of books on my amazon wishlist right now though so once I read them I’ll be letting y’all know what recommendations I have! (Comment some of your faves PLEASE!!)

5. Add strength training in your routine.

Not only will this help you tone up your body but you will FEEL amazing! Another plus, when you build more muscle you burn more calories which can means you can eat more! Or you can use that to help you lose weight if that’s a goal you have. I for one want to lose about 30lbs in the upcoming year so this is definitely on my list of things to do.

6. Make a morning/night schedule to stick to

Having a morning and night routine set is SO IMPORTANT especially if you want a major glow up. It sets the tone for your whole day! If I don’t do my nighttime routine then I wake up unmotivated to do my morning routine. This has a domino affect into the rest of my day. I usually end up doom scrolling on my phone of rewatching old TV shows. Then I end my day/week/MONTH feeling unproductive and unfulfilled. At least if I do my morning and night routine if I do spend the day in bed, I at least now I did the basic things I need to take care of myself, such as my skin care and brushing my teeth.

7. Start oiling your hair.

I have been growing out my hair for 6 years (peep the hair glow up below) after I had to chop it shoulder length after damaging it by dying it too much. It’s now almost to my waist! One thing that really helped my hair health was keeping it moisturized. When your hair is dry it is more prone to breakage!

I put this Hair Skin and Nail Oil on my hair after I get out of the shower and then I also do a deep oil once a week. I try to leave it in my hair for at least an hour before washing it out. Once a week for my deep oil I use Jojoba Oil because my hair had low porosity.

hair glow up example
My hair in 2018.
hair glow up example
My hair in 2023.

8. Start stretching daily.

Stretching helps more than just with flexibility. Stretching also helps with body pains, mobility, and even releasing stress to improve your mood. I like stretching in the morning and in the evening. In the morning it relieves my stiffness. At night it helps me release the stress of the day, making me more restful. A perfect addition into your morning and night routine!

9. Exfoliate your lips.

I have always had a bad habit og biting my lips. I bite my lips more often when there is excess skin begging to be picked out. When I exfoliate my lips this gets rid of the excess skin so that I don’t have the urge to bite at them as much.

10. Always carry lip balm.

In addition to exfoliating I want to make sure to always have a lip balm on me. I want to keep one in my purse, one in my car, one on my desk, EVERYWHERE. My absolute favorite lip balm that keeps my lips hydrated instead of drying them out to get you to buy more is Vaseline Lip Therapy.

lip glow up

11. Always carry hand lotion.

I used to work at a shoe store unloading boxes all day. This would leech all the moisture out of my hands. So, I used to carry a small bottle of lotion in my bag and apply it every time I thought about it. My hands were transformed! I have since gotten out of the habit and I have suffered from it. My hands and cuticles have been so dry. This was such an easy habit to maintain, and I only stopped because I ran out of the lotion I was using. I got this 42-Pack of Travel Lotions from amazon so now I’ll be set for awhile!

hand glow up

12. Moisturize after your showers.

Moisturizing after your showers is good for two reasons. One, because your skin is more open to absorb moisture after a shower. And two, because lotion is easier to spread when your skin is still slightly damp. This also means you’ll use less product which will save money in the long run.

13. Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Glow up from the inside out by working on your nutrition. I suck at eating my fruits and veggies. I love cheese and bread and I would live off of that if I could. But, I can’t. My mom got me this Vegetable Chopper for Christmas and I’ve been using it to make more salads. It makes it easier and more fun to make which helps motivate me.

nutrition glow up

14. Drink more water.

I also suck at drinking water! I don’t usually feel thirsty but I do usually feel the affects of not drinking it. I’m investing in a One Gallon Water Bottle so I don’t even have to think about how much left I need to drink a day. I’ll have a constant visual reminder which is great for someone with ADHD like me.

hydration glow up drink more water gallon water bottle

15. Get less screen time.

I spend way too much time doom scrolling. I obviously will need to spend a good amount of time looking at screens considering I run a blog and a YouTube channel. However, I need to strop scrolling through the different apps of my phone without actually absorbing anything.

16. Start a Skin Care Routine.

I have started a skin care routine but my main goal is to actually stick to it. Because there’s really no point in it if I’m not doing it everyday. I’m getting to the end of my 20’s and even though I’m still young, I know that this is the time that I need to start taking my skin care seriously. I want to create good habits now so that in the future it’s easy to maintain and not even a thought.

17. Meditate.

I have always struggled with meditation. My mind is so busy. That is exactly why I think I need meditation. There are so many benefits to meditating there really is no excuse not to spend at least 10 minutes a day doing it.

18. Start Tongue Scraping.

I can attest to this one! Tongue scraping is a game changer! My mouth has never felt cleaner. You can visibly see the gunk that comes off your tongue. I never felt like I had particularly bad breath but now I feel so much more fresh! I actually got mine off of shin but I found a very similar one in a two-pack on amazon if you are interested!

BUY HERE: Tongue Scraper

19. Say 3 gratitudes to yourself in the mirror every morning

The more you actively think about what you are grateful for the easier it is for your mind to naturally think that way. I spent years talking so negatively to myself and it got me no where. Now, I need to do the work to reverse the damage and be better to myself! It’s impossible to see the glow up you are having is you can’t see yourself in a positive light.

20. Journal your thoughts

I have officially been keeping up with a journal for over a year now! Sometimes I’ll go a month or longer without writing an entry but I always come back to it. This is something I’ve wanted to achieve since I was 10 years old. I’m so regretful that there are so many memories that are now forever lost. Not only that, but journaling really helps me process my thoughts and regulate my feelings. It’s a much better coping mechanism than things I would do in the past.

21. Keep a Planner.

Especially since I’m going into this year self-employed I need to keep everything organized. I love keeping a planner and 2023 was my most successful year in keeping one. But, last year I was in school so it was easy to schedule out my day. This year it might be a little more difficult but I am determined!

22. Oil your nails.

Along with keeping my hands moisturized, I also want to give some extra attention to my nails and cuticles. Whenever I am consistent with oiling my nails my nails grow so much longer. When they are moisturized they are less prone to breakage and my cuticles don’t split. They feel and look so much better. As I said earlier in this article my favorite oil for my hair and my nails that I have been using for years is this Hair Skin and Nail Oil by Provence Beauty. I love the roses but they also have different infusions such as lavender or peonies.

rose hair skin nail oil glow up

23. Sleep 7-9 Hours Every Night.

I never seem to track my sleep, but honestly I think I may get too much! I’ll go to bed early, sleep in and also sometimes take a nap! I want to start tracking my sleep because then if I’m still tired then that’s a sign that I need to improv somewhere else in my life. My fatigue will also probably be helped by my other goals such as eating more fruits and vegetables and drinking more water!

24. Find Your Signature Scent.

There is something so elegant about having a scent that always reminds other people of you. One that lingers after you’ve left a room. Something that makes you feel beautiful when you wear it. This has been a goal of mine since Rue 21 discontinued my favorite perfume. I don’t even rememeber the name it’s been so long! But I miss that feeling.

Which ones will you tackle this year?

It is never a waste of time to work on self-improvement. No matter which of these you choose to work on it is one step closer to glow up and become a better you. And there is always a better you! That may sound like never ending work but I think it’s nice to always have something to motivate you to continue on the right path to betterment.

I hope that not only this post, but my whole blog helps motivate you to take care of yourself, glow up and live your best life! If you want to make sure you don’t miss any of my posts make sure you subscribe to my emails!





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My name is Terran, and I love writing about how to improve one’s life through self-care, following your passions and surrounding yourself with the things you love. Subscribe to my email list to receive updates when I post and follow me along on the journey to a fulfilled, happy life.

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