Welcome to PeachyPapillon by Terran Mikaela

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Howdy (-:

My name is Terran Mikaela. I’m a 26 year old blogger/vlogger/actor from Texas and I have a huge passion for self-care and personal growth. I believe that when you invest in yourself you can live the life you’ve always wanted.

I’ve always had big dreams for my life from my acting career to my long list of travel destinations. I was tired of scrolling through social media looking at other people living the life I wanted. I realized I had no reason to be jealous of it if I wasn’t doing anything to work toward that. 

Blogging has been a way for me to focus my energy on the things that will make me the person that I want to be. By putting a focus on things like good health, productivity, and gratitude I know that in time everything will fall into place.

I hope to inspire other people to do the same. I want create an uplifting community where we all can help each other be a little better every day. 

about me pic

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