Author: Terran Mikaela

  • Vancouver Film School Acting Program: Exclusive Review 6 Months Post-Grad


    My acting career is not something I’ve talked much about on this blog before. My focus has been on self-care in an attempt to niche down in order to please the SEO Gods to get page views. But that hasn’t happened anyway so might as well write about what I want, right? Well, the other… Read more

  • How to Use Oil Pulling to Transform Your Smile

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    Oil pulling has been a trend that has taken TikTok by storm. As someone who has struggled with their teeth health I thought I’d give it a try, and I am never going back! I can’t tell you how many cavities I’ve had filled in my life. My teeth are basically Swiss cheese at this… Read more

  • 30 Simple Things Worthy of Gratitude


    Gratitude has been a huge help in my growth journey. I believe that by focusing on the things you are grateful for you will have a more positive outlook on life, and also manifest more to be grateful for. It is a proven fact that when you have more positive thoughts the easier positive thoughts… Read more

  • How to Make a Valentine Charcuterie Board


    Every Valentine Season I check out the stores for all the cute pink and red love themed kitchen accessories. It’s my dream to one day have a pink kitchen so I’ve been slowly building my collection for the past few years. This year at Target I found this adorable small charcuterie board with a heart… Read more

  • How to Throw the Perfect Valentines Dinner Party


    Valentines Day is one of my favorite holidays! I love the love! I also love how over the years the focus of Valentines Day has expanded past couple love to include all kinds of love, like the love you share for your friends. Even coining the term “Galentine’s”. I actually wanted to use Galentine’s for… Read more

  • 24 Guaranteed Glow Up Tips for a Great 2024

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    It’s that wonderful time of reflection as the new year comes upon us. And with a new year, many want to glow up to a new “you”. I’ve been slowly implementing self care into my routine in 2023 and I have a pretty clear vision of what I would like to continue doing to make… Read more

  • New Year INS and OUTS to Make a Better You

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    Happy new year! I’ve got to say, my new year has not started off great. I spent the first day of the year hungover in bed after having a fight with my significant other the night before. Not exactly the best omen bringing in a new year. However, today I decided to take some steps… Read more

  • How to Start Saving More Money in 2024 


    Saving more money is always a good goal to have. Maybe it’s one of your overall New Years resolutions or maybe you’re saving for something specific. Either way you’re going to need a game plan. Where do you start? Well, reading this article is a great first step. Read along to figure out how to… Read more

  • How to Make a Successful Vision Board

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    Vision boards are a great tool for any goal you have for yourself during any stage of life. However, the most popular time to create a vision board is during New Years. That is because a new year brings in New Year’s resolutions! It’s hard to not look back at how far you’ve come as… Read more

  • Everything I Learned My First Month Blogging

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    This morning I was drinking my coffee and checking my emails like I normally do when I saw I had a message from Bluehost congratulating me on my first month blogging with my website! I cannot believe how fast that flew by. After experiencing it for myself I now get why all those bloggers… Read more