How to Combat Winter Seasonal Depression

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It’s the greatest time of year! Right? So…why do I feel so bleh? Unfortunately, it’s a proven fact that when the winter months come around and we get less sunlight that it actually affects our mood. This affect is called Seasonal Affective Disorder…literally SAD. However, it’s more commonly coined “seasonal depression”.

You can’t control Winter from coming. Unless, you’re one of those fortunate people with a beach house you can escape to. I however, am not one of those people.

When Winter comes around I can feel the energy leaking from my body and seasonal depression starts setting in. As someone who struggles with mental health, I definitely notice a difference during the Winter months when it comes to my mental wellness.

Some Symptoms of Seasonal Depression are:

  • Mood problems such as feeling depressed, hopeless, worthless, or agitated.
  • Losing interest in activities that you used to enjoy.
  • Changes in appetite or weight. I tend to binge when I’m depressed and gain weight which is common with winter-time seasonal affective disorder, along with cravings for carbohydrates.
  • Sleep Problems, usually oversleeping. 
  • Low energy
  • Difficulty Concentrating.
  • Social Withdrawal.
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seasonal depression
seasonal depression

Millions of people suffer from Seasonal Depression. It is more prominent in women and in areas with less sunlight which makes it more common in the winter months. However some people, like Josh Hutcherson, have said that they experience it during Summer.

People who have other mood or mental disorders are also more likely to be affected. That’s why for me, I notice my usual symptoms get worse.

During a time of year that’s supposed to be about joy and cheer can put even extra pressure on yourself to put on a happy face and feel guilty for not enjoying everything more. I know I’ve been there. It’s still something that I’ve struggled with, which is why this year I’ll be putting in the extra effort the fight it!

Just because you can’t control the weather doesn’t mean that you have no control over the situation. There are tons of things that you can do to help combat Seasonal Depression.

This post contains links to products that I have researched or used that I think you would enjoy based on the article you are reading. I used to be an Amazon Affiliate to receive a commission. I am no longer apart of the program but I still wanted to share these products because I truly believe in them and think they will come in handy! Using my links to purchase is no extra cost to you!

What You Can Do:

Getting a Sun Lamp.

One of the reasons we feel down during the winter is because we aren’t getting enough sunlight. Adding a simple sun lamp into the room that you lounge most in can help give you the extra vitamin D that you’re lacking.

BUY HERE: Light Therapy Lamp

Taking Vitamin D Supplements.

Or you could get straight to the point and go for vitamin D tablets. I never considered upping my vitamin D intake until I moved to Canada. Since they get such little sun in the winter it’s common for people to add Vitamin D to their daily routine. 

Even though I’m back in Texas now where there is definitely a lot more sun, I’ll still be upping my Vitamin D during this time to make up for what I’m used to.

Eat Nourishing Meals

Keeping a healthy diet full of nutrients is important in feeling your best all year round but especially in winter. By making sure you’re getting everything your body needs, you can then focus on your mind. Check out my list on in season winter produce to help inspire your grocery list this season.

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Stay Connected

Having a community around you that you can lean on is important, especially in hard times. Reach out to those you care about and make an effort to spend time with them. 

Get Moving.

Staying active can help improve your mood and jumpstart possible new year’s fitness goals! You don’t have to be an athlete to bare the benefits. My favorite exercise is simply walking. This is also the perfect opportunity to spend some time outside and soak up some sun.

seasonal depression

Journal your thoughts. 

Getting your thoughts out of your head and onto paper is so helpful when things get chaotic. Journaling can help you organize and reflect on your thoughts.

Practice Gratitude.

It’s a prove fact that when you focus on the good, your brain will find more good. It’s so much easier to have a positive mindset when you actively focus on all the wonderful things you have in your life. If you are even able to read this, you have something to be grateful for.

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What are some things that you like to do to keep your spirits up in the colder months? Leave a comment below!

If you need some inspiration on what to do during the Winter months, check out my Winter Bucket List! It’s a perfect mix of solo and group activities. It also has options for at home as well as some that get you out of the house. As stated above, keeping busy, surrounding yourself with friends, and doing activities you enjoy can greatly help with seasonal depression symptoms.

I hope that these articles will inspire you to have a more uplifting winter season.

seasonal depression
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My name is Terran, and I love writing about how to improve one’s life through self-care, following your passions and surrounding yourself with the things you love. Subscribe to my email list to receive updates when I post and follow me along on the journey to a fulfilled, happy life.

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