New Year INS and OUTS to Make a Better You

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Happy new year! I’ve got to say, my new year has not started off great. I spent the first day of the year hungover in bed after having a fight with my significant other the night before. Not exactly the best omen bringing in a new year.

However, today I decided to take some steps into turning that around. I worked on some self-care, taking a shower following my face care routine. I then cleaned up all the dirty dishes collecting in my room, and started on the mountain of laundry forming outside my bedroom door. My sheets should be done drying by now so soon I’ll have a freshly made bed as well.

In between my small bursts of productivity I was lying in bed room scrolling as one does when depression hits.

So many new years recaps and new years celebrations, none of it really making my mood any better. Then on instagram I saw my friend post her ins and outs for 2024.

I had seen a few of these already with trends people were and were not going to be participating in and continued reading, intrigued. Instead of talking about fashion or social media trends however it was a new kind of new year’s resolution list of everything she wanted in her new year and everything that needed out.

Immediately I opened my notes app and started one for myself. I was surprised to find it harder than I anticipated! I find that it’s sometimes hard to put into words what exactly you want out of life. But defining it is the first step into actually reaching it.

Here are my following INS and OUTS for 2024 that I’m going to look at to guide me toward the better version of myself that I wish to be. I hope that it inspires you as well!

pinterest repinnable pin social media new year resolutions ins outs 2024


  • routine
  • self love
  • hydration
  • mindfulness
  • budgeting
  • reading
  • nutrition


  • negative self talk
  • binge eating
  • doom scrolling
  • frivolous spending
  • comparisons
  • fear

I didn’t want to add to many and overwhelm myself, but I feel like this is an amazing start!

My new years may not have started out to bright but I haven’t lost hope yet. It’s never too late to start, whether you’re reading this a week after the new year or 6 months!

Every step you take no matter how small can help lead you to a better you.

self care new year ins and outs pinterest board pin to repin

Please feel free to share you in and outs in the comments and please share this post if you like it! It would mean a lot <3

Here’s to 2024. HAPPY NEW YEAR! 🎈

My name is Terran, and I love writing about how to improve one’s life through self-care, following your passions and surrounding yourself with the things you love. Subscribe to my email list to receive updates when I post and follow me along on the journey to a fulfilled, happy life.

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