How to Use Oil Pulling to Transform Your Smile

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Oil pulling has been a trend that has taken TikTok by storm. As someone who has struggled with their teeth health I thought I’d give it a try, and I am never going back!

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I can’t tell you how many cavities I’ve had filled in my life. My teeth are basically Swiss cheese at this point. I’ve struggled with depression so sometimes my oral health uptake falls onto the back burner. That along with a permanent retainer that was impossible to clean out. Luckily that got pried out of my mouth!

As my 26th birthday approached and the dooming thought of me getting kicked off my mom’s dental plan loomed in the back of my head, I started trying really hard to take my oral care more seriously. That’s around the time I started seeing oil pulling videos all over my For You Page.

Part of that was due to the rise of TikTok shop and tons of creators promoting GuruNanda for a chance of getting a commission. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t really work! I watched tons of videos in amazement watching people transform not only the health of their teeth but their entire smile was enough for me to want to give it a chance. What could it hurt?

This post contains links to products that I have researched or used that I think you would enjoy based on the article you are reading. I used to be an Amazon Affiliate to receive a commission. I am no longer apart of the program but I still wanted to share these products because I truly believe in them and think they will come in handy! Using my links to purchase is no extra cost to you!

oil pulling

Before investing in GuruNanda I wanted to see if there was a cheaper way to dip my toe in. So, I did some research on what oils were good for oil pulling and came up with amazing results! Some of which are in my own kitchen, which meant there was no initial cost for me to start and try it out.

Oils to Try

Coconut Oil

I personally use coconut oil because I like the texture and taste, but it’s not for everyone. Coconut oil has strong antibacterial and antiviral properties. It also is rich in antioxidants which aids with inflammation which could help gum health.

Sesame Seed Oil

This is the traditional oil used for oral oil pulling. Sesame seed oil is filled with nutrients and fatty acids which are great for gum health. Like coconut oil it has antibacterial properties that help with inflammation.

Olive Oil

This is the first oil that I started with because it’s what was already available in my house. I wasn’t crazy about the taste but it works! Olive oil is not traditionally associated with oral oil pulling but with it’s antibacterial properties it works just the same!

Sunflower Seed Oil

Another non-traditional choice is sunflower oil. Like sesame oil, it is also rice in vitamin e which is great for gum health.


This one was a surprise for me, but worth mentioning! Ghee is clarified butter that has tons of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory that make it a great choice for oral oil pulling.

Benefits of Oil Pulling

Stronger Gums

Oil pulling strengthens your gums and helps prevent bleeding. I can attest to this one because my gums used to bleed when I flossed and now they don’t since I’ve started oil pulling.

Healthier Gums

Along with strengthening your gums you’ll improve their over all health. The extra vitamins and moisturizing affect of the oil will keep your. gums pink and happy.

Whiter Teeth

I haven’t been able to find out exactly why this happens but I swear my teeth got whiter after the first use. I wish I would have taken pictures but I didn’t think it was going to make much of a difference. I’m a big coffee and tea drinker, so matching that with my poor oral care, my teeth were kinda dingy. I’ve now actually had compliments on how white my teeth are and I no longer feel like I need to edit them in my pictures.

Prevents Cavities

Oil pulling helps keep harmful bacteria from multiplying and eating away at your teeth. Also you are less likely to get as much food stuck in your teeth when your gums aren’t puffy and swollen. After I started oil pulling I went to the dentist and for the first time ever they didn’t have to scrape at my teeth to get rid of plaque because there was no need! And that’s my least favorite part. Not that I have a favorite part about going to the dentist. Unattended plaque is the main cause of cavities.

Save You Money

By oil pulling and improving your oral health you will need less dental visits, less cavities, and less gum disease. This can save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars over time.

Adding Oil Pulling into Your Routine

When to Oil Pull

Most people recommend that you do oil pulling in the morning. I however, prefer to do it at night and that works for me! One thing about creating the perfect self-care routine is to cater it around YOU! I personally like to keep my morning routine as short and sweet as possible, saving most of the bulk work for my night routine, because in the morning I’m not in the mood! Keeping it shorter makes it more doable for me.

Also, I hate the feeling of oil in my mouth right after waking up, so it makes it hard to want to do that everyday. It doesn’t bother me when I do it at night.

You can also choose to do it morning ad night! I’ve found great success with just once a day but there is no damage to doing it twice. In fact a lot of people choose to do that.

Tongue Scrape After You Oil Pull

You do not want to swallow the oil. After swishing in your mouth it is FULL of bacteria. Swallowing can lead to infection. After you oil pull you should not only rinse out your mouth but also use a tongue scraper to remove excess oil.

Tongue scraping is also a better way to clean your tongue verses just brushing it with your tooth brush! You’re able to get further into the back of your mouth as well. Since I’ve started tongue scraping I’ve noticed my mouth feels cleaner and my breath is way fresher.

If you buy the GuruNanda it comes with a tongue scraper. However, I actually got a cheap one off of Shein that works perfect! But, if you’re already buying the oil, might as well get more bang for your buck

Do not Spit Oil into Your Sink

Or, your toilet, or anything else that lead to pipes. Oil solidifies and can back up your plumbing so make sure that you spit into your trash can!

As you can see, there is no reason you shouldn’t start oil pulling today!

I love finding simple and cheap solutions for long-term care. Oil pulling is something that I know I can maintain for the long haul.

With it being such an easy way to not only save money on dental care but also have me smiling like a movie star it’s a no brainer to me. Especially because I am an actress, a pretty smile goes a long way.

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Hopefully this article gave you some insight and motivates you to try it as well. Have any questions? Leave a comment below and I’ll do my best to answer. Also if you’ve tried oil pulling and have more information to add please share! It’s my hope that this little blog will one day grow into a big self-care community where we all help each other be our best selves. So, your contribution is encouraged!

My name is Terran, and I love writing about how to improve one’s life through self-care, following your passions and surrounding yourself with the things you love. Subscribe to my email list to receive updates when I post and follow me along on the journey to a fulfilled, happy life.

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